Counter Strike Source Tips

 Counter strike source tips for many inexperienced Counter strike source players that find it extremely tough to compete against the pros. Most brand new players are able to be extremely frustrated when they got killed too quickly without taking some enemies down, and yes it is able to result in anger but not playing counter strike source anymore. That is actually a waste of the cash of yours, I guess you did not buy the game to play it a couple of times then quit since you lack the proper counter strike skills, correct?

Therefore I came up with a few simple but also beneficial counter strike source tips. With these ideas you are able to improve your counter-strike source skills and survive longer, and most crucial thing, you are able to also take several of your enemies down.

Always aim above the enemies belt, it is going to cause far more harm to the adversary of yours. Ideally you generally have to strive for the head, a headshots means always instant death for the adversary of yours. This may perhaps be difficult for you when you are simply getting started but while you keep on practicing this you'll get accustomed to it. I suggest you to train with each weapon in the game since they all shoot different. You specifically need to understand how you can shoot with the CV 74 and the M4, you are able to learn aiming with these weapons in the aim maps, like aim ak.

Always buy armor at the start of each round. This will give you much more protection against the opponents of yours.

Always reload your weapon after you have spend a few bullets. But take care and reload only when you are positively sure you can find no enemies close by and you won't be amazed when reloading.

If a flash bomb is thrown towards you immediately look in the exact opposite direction with your back pointing towards the flash bomb. This way the flash might have the very least likely impact on you. You have to hurry up with this one.

When buying pistols always buy a Desert Eagle this's the very best handgun and with a max of 2 shots aimed at the chest you are able to destroy the enemy quickly as well as easy.

In case you know an enemy is hiding behind an obstacle just shoot through that obstacle because in this game the bullets of yours are able to penetrate through virtually everything. In case you're near the enemy, hold down the SHIFT key when walking, the enemy of yours won't hear your footsteps this way therefore you are able to surprise him with a headshot in case he didn't see you before.

When you are a real beginner with counter strike source is suggest you to design your very own server on yummy pc and also put some bots in it and play against them in your own personal, in this way you are going to learn a great deal of the game.

